In the love season

So everyone is getting married and I'm single. What do I do?

In this era of the Insta feed capturing thousands of people getting engaged every day and posting the same pic with the same caption "OMG, I nEvEr ExPeCtEd tHiS! I said YES!!!!!!", it's easy for us single gals to feel uncomfortable and lost. Especially in this Valentine's Day season. Especially if you enjoy being single. Am I happy for these girlies? Of course! But do I wonder if there are single ladies out there who are confused about their current season of life? YES.

Let's start with this: I am happier now than I have ever been in my entire life. I am thankful for everything. I so happy to be single, I'm so happy to be focused, and I am so excited for the future. Do you feel the same? I think it's so important to realize the magic of where you are NOW rather than always seeking what is to come. What is to come will come, but you have to enjoy now to be prepared for the future. Much like everything else in life, singleness is fleeting. It won't last forever, so appreciate it. You should be in love with where you are now. Most importantly, you should be in love with who you are. 

With Valentine's Day coming up, it's easy to long for a man to celebrate with and accompany you to all those work events, dinners, double dates, and weddings. But what isn't always easy to understand is the importance of listening to God's "no's" and "yes's". Don't forget whose you are. Before you are someone else's anything, you are a child of God. He knows best, He loves you, and He wants the best for you. 

My motive for writing this post is to dive into a little more heavy weight content than simply tagging outfits and promoting products. My goal is to serve you completely with my heart and to reach everyone, no matter where they are. Congratulations on wherever it is you may be! My biggest goal is to address what I like to call the "settling affect". I see so many girls these days who are practically desperate for a companion and they just settle for whoever comes their way. This is not what God intended. I believe He brings the right people in and out of our lives in order to give us the best life ever. Don't just choose any old person because they walk in at a lonely moment. Choose them because you can't imagine having any happy moment without them. Choose them because they're fun, because they make you feel good about life, because they grow you as a human. Choose them for love. 

Here's the most important thing to know: you are exactly where you need to be. You are living an amazing life, do something with it. You are more than a girlfriend. You are more than a wife. You are a person who can do anything and love anybody. Be sure that in this season you don't forget the standards you've set and act on them. 

You are in this season because God has blessed you with it. Don't forget that each season is a gift and you get to live through it. Be a BOSS BABE and go after what you want.

Thank you for letting me spill my heart and be super honest. I pray that my words encourage and lead you to be more. 

Drop a comment below to let me know your feelings! I always love feedback. 

Love y'all, 



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