Come self reflect with me!

Be. A. Good. Human. 

Sometimes we have seasons we're proud of. Sometimes we don't.

Whatever season you're in right now is perfect for YOU. The Lord has brought you to this moment in life for a particular reason. Maybe it's to show other people how to love when it hurts. Maybe it's to show other people the love they deserve. Maybe it's to show other people how to you love yourself even when you aren't completely there. God leads us even when we don't understand where we're going. He gives us grace and is patient when our hearts get confused and turn the wrong direction. This is called LOVE. 

To pass judgement on yourself does nothing but tear down your spirit. To build yourself up and rely on God proves you have faith and confidence in Him enough to turn over the reins and let Him guide your path. To pass judgement on others in their seasons does nothing but give you false superiority and a sense of being better than your peers. God gives us peers to befriend and love on, not to be judg-y with. 

Stop comparing yourself to the girl on Instagram who seems to never have have an "off season". Stop comparing yourself to the woman in the grocery store. Stop comparing yourself to the woman in the fitting room next to you. She isn't real. Everyone has their own trials and tribulations in life. You never know what people are going through during any particular season, so the best way to love on strangers is to be kind. 


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