Here's what I learned in 2019

2019 was quite a year, y'all!

So many wonderful things happened. I grew closer to God, I gained amazing new friends, I learned how to be a better friend, I expanded my business, I excelled in school, and I took some incredible trips. I am so so pumped to see what 2020 has in store! Here are just a few fun things I'm taking with me into the New Year: (see list below) Each little lesson is from each month of 2019 and what I learned about myself and about life!


"Going for it"brings you a step closer to "having it". 

You can achieve your dreams! Just chase them. The first step is pertinent to the dream. 


Your passion will take you anywhere and everywhere. 

Passion is everything. Your love, drive, and attraction to any particular area is what determines the difference you will make. 


Excitement is the only way to pursue life. Choose things that electrify you. 

Never choose something that makes you lose your joy. Keep your hope, keep your love, keep your excitement. Actively choose it. 


You are blessed with the best things. 

Always appreciate the gifts of your life. 


There is so much beauty around you. You are apart of it. Interact with love and light always. 

Use your heart kindly and always remember how loved and important you are. 


Life is so much better with a true friend. Make them, keep them, invest in the friendship. 

Friends turn into family. Choose wisely, the right ones will support you through everything. 


Life conversations are best had while looking at the lake, from a rocker, with your best friend at your side. 

Soak up those experiences. Your heart will be so so full. 


Always stand up for what you believe in. You deserve more. 

Never forget who you are and whose you are. 


Jesus is magnificent. Your faith and walk with Him should never fit in a box or match someone else's. 

Admire other people's faith, but never compare. You and Jesus are on the same page. He loves you so so much. 


God's beauty is everywhere. Appreciate it always. 

He gives us so much. The blessings we don't deserve. The love we crave. He is everywhere you are.


Be grateful for it all. The blessings, the mess, the hecticness... It's all a gift.

Wow, these gifts are so so good. God is the best gift giver, isn't He? He sure blesses us.


You are so wonderful. Give the heavy stuff to God and be who you are meant to be.

He didn't call us to be sad, anxious, worried, or upset. He called us to bring Him glory. Clear your heart, give Him your burdens, and move on to the next blessing. 

These lessons are ones that weren't learned easily, but beautiful little sentiments about the past year. Take them with you for 2020! Best wishes for the New Year. 

Much love, 



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